Emilie Holmes
State Northern Vice-President, Secondary

November 11th
Reading books, watching movies, playing volleyball, and hanging out with my friends
Favorite Food
Pasta salad
Favorite Subject in School
Anatomy & Physiology; any science course
Favorite Sports Team
Miami Heat
Pet Peeve
Shoes on the bed/couch
My Most Embarrassing Moment
During a 100 meter qualifying race in middle school, I tripped, got up, continued running, and then tripped again...
For 24 Hours, I Would Love to Trade Places With
Harry Potter
If I had a Million Dollars, I would
donate 50% to UNICEF and/or charities that promote educational equity, travel Europe with my family, and fund my undergraduate/medical education.
Greatest Personal Accomplishment
Placing 1st in Health Career Display at the International Leadership Conference as a freshman.
Career Goals
To become either a cardiothoracic surgeon or an interventional cardiologist (to have the opportunity to aid others in their most vulnerable times).
Future Discovery Anticipated Most
The cure for ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and MS (multiple sclerosis).
Favorite Quote
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' "
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Minister, Activist, and Political Philosopher
I Love HOSA Because
of the amazing opportunities provided through competition and networking.